About the ESTEAM Project
The project ESTEAM comes out from the personal experience and needs of science teachers. We know that learning programs and the learning process are getting more and more comprehensive, fast and demanding.
The traditional way of teaching is slowly losing its force. Modern, contemporary and fun ways of teaching with modern technologies included in learning process are looked for. They should be fun and adapted to ICT technologies. Internationalization is promoted and there is also increased use of digital learning, possibly in combination with teaching in the field.
The ESTEAM project aims to improve the quality of teaching-learning in the school system through an innovative method (teaching methodology, toolkit & users experience space (virtual & nature)) that links National curriculum goals in natural science education with developing of mobile teaching/users experience platform (ICT) in combination with outdoor activities. Additionally, development and findings will result in Guide for Teachers in Natural Science Education – ESTEAM methodology Step by step guide.
General objective is to improve the teaching process in combination of ICT technologies and outdoor activities.
Specific objectives:
- Research of National Curricula in project countries with the list of proposed programes and tool for designing lessons
- Create effective content & methodology for science teaching designed in collaboration with teachers, experts in the field of science, interpretation of the natural heritage & with experts in the field of ICT
- Develop mobile teaching/users experience platform
- Design of Guide for teacher in science education based on outputs, knowledge and experiences
- Increase the frequency and effectiveness of the use of ICT technologies in the teaching of science
- Increased level of digital competence for teachers & pupils
- Increased level in foreign languages for teachers &pupils
In the project several activities will be carried out:
1) Project management
2) Quality assurance
3) Dissemination
4) Research of National Curricula with guidelines
5) Development of teaching methodology: mobile teaching/users experience platform
6) Preparation of Guide for teacher in natural science education – ESTEAM methodology Step by step guide
7) Project meetings
8) Presentations of ESTEAM Intellectual Outputs and their use in teaching/learning process
9) Short-term joint staff training event
Target groups:
- Science teachers
- Future Science teachers
- Professors of didactics at faculties
- Pupils aged 12-15
- Geoparks staff
- Employees in educational institutions