Intellectual outputs
O1 - Research of National Curricula with guidelines
Research of National Curricula with guidelines will present the findings about learning objectives, current skills and competencies of educational methods in the science teaching, the opinions of pupils on the methods of science teaching and suggestions for improvement. On the basis of the analysis we will present basing guidelines that will form the foundation for the creation of teaching material (and mobile platform). It will help teachers to learn about designing lessons in science based on last innovative practices.
The aim is to ensure quality baseline information by carrying out this activity. It helps understand characteristics of curricula for natural science teaching. It is a base for a high quality education, helps to seat learning outcomes and methodology and it is a respond to the needs of today and tomorrow. The document will help to identify good practices.
Download the E-book HERE.
O2 - Development of teaching methodology: mobile teaching/users experience platform
In second part of the project we will develop an innovative method (teaching methodology, toolkit & users experience space (virtual & nature)) that links national curriculum goals in natural science education with developing of mobile platform (ICT) in combination with outdoor activities.
With this output, the aim is to provide varied, innovative, quality, optimized nature science teaching methods and introduce new tools for teachers and geopark staff.
We are focusing on learner-centred pedagogical approaches, didactic & technology - in combining outdoor activities, games, exercises focusing on natural/geological science topic, with sub-themes, all linked to a specific site or theme trail in geopark.
We will be developing users experience space (which consist of virtual & nature - outdoor activities) based on O1.
Users will be outside, where all phenomena exist, learning by doing/observing/experiencing with vast engagement and interaction. They will be able check results, data, tasks, virtual travel, where ever with access to platform.
Download the E-book HERE.

O3 - Guide for teacher in natural science education – ESTEAM methodology Step by step guide
In the final phase of the project, upon completion of activities within the O1 and while developing O2, the “Guide for teacher in natural science education” will be prepared for teachers of science, students (future teachers), education staff and geopark staff. We will prepare a high quality guide that is thematic, informative and practical oriented, step by step, with a lot of examples.
The main purpose of the guide is to present innovative toolkit. Enhance the digital literacy of teachers and science teachers to familiarize with modern forms of work in teaching science (methodology). In addition, the final document serves to increase the durability and usability of the project results and at the same time play an important role in the dissemination of project results. It is a base for a high quality education, helps to seat learning outcomes and methodology and it is a respond to the needs of today and tomorrow.
The guide will help to improve skills and competencies of educational methods in the science teaching, gather training & guide in the introduction of new technologies into the learning process and science teaching process, give expert ICT step by step guidelines, thus the guide will help teachers to learn about designing lessons in science based on last innovative practices.
Download the E-book HERE.